Frequently Asked Questions
1What is the Mount Rogers Planning District Commission?
In 1968, the Commonwealth of Virginia authorized the establishment of planning districts under the Virginia Regional Cooperation Act. The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission (MRPDC) is one of 21 PDCs across the State, and is officially known as PDC 3. The overall goal of the MRPDC is to promote an effective approach to regional planning
2What is the purpose of the MRPDC?
The purpose of the MRPDC, as set out in the Code of Virginia, Section 15.2-4200, is “…to promote the orderly and efficient development of the physical, social, and economic elements of the district by planning, encouraging, and assisting governmental subdivisions to plan for the future and, if requested by a member governmental subdivision or group of member governmental subdivisions and to the extent the commission may elect to act, assisting the subdivisions by carrying out plans and programs for the improvement and utilization of said elements.”
3What localities form the Mount Rogers Planning District?
The MRPDC consists of two cities (Bristol and Galax) and six counties (Bland, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Wythe, and Washington). The Commission also serves the incorporated towns within the district, which are: Abingdon, Chilhowie, Damascus, Fries, Glade Spring, Hillsville, Independence, Marion, Rural Retreat, Saltville, Troutdale, and Wytheville.
4Who does the MRPDC staff work for?
The MRPDC staff works for all the localities served by the PDC under the direction of the Executive Director and the 38-member Commission.
5What statistical information does the MRPDC maintain?
The MRPDC is a Census Data Center Affiliate, which means that the PDC receives and maintains data distributed by the U.S. Census Bureau. The MRPDC also collects and disseminates regional statistics from the Virginia Employment Commission, the Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics, local governments, and other sources.
6How are the operations of the MRPDC funded?
The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission receives basic funding from member governments and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Additionally, the Commission receives funding through the technical services provided to localities within the district, including grant writing and administration, project management, public administration, planning, and GIS services. Federal program funding is provided by agencies such as the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), the Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).