The Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation (IPR) program provides zero-interest, forgivable loans in eligible localities for the installation of indoor plumbing to owners of substandard housing where indoor plumbing does not exist, or where the existing water delivery or waste disposal systems have failed. The program also provides for the general rehabilitation of these units and for accessibility improvements to units occupied by persons with disabilities or where overcrowded conditions exist.
This is a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development program administered by the Mount Rogers Planning District Commission. The Region 1 IPR program covers the localities represented by Planning Districts 1, 2, and 3.
Contact: Carrie Trivett
The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission offers assistance to local governments in the drafting of preliminary and final grant applications, zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and industrial development materials. Assistance is also available for the writing of specific plans for such fields as economic development transportation, housing, recreation, social services, public safety, water and sewer systems, solid waste collection and disposal systems, and preparation of tax maps. The MRPDC has also been used by member governments for joint purchasing of property appraisal services.
The MRPDC works with various groups throughout the district to bring about improved coordination and communication. Coordination of programs is brought about by MPRDC appointments to various boards and committees of other agencies and by the Intergovernmental Review Process. To insure harmonious development of the entire region, the MRPDC conducts regional studies which take into account the various resources and needs of all jurisdictions.
As required by the Code of Virginia, each local government in the state must adopt a comprehensive plan. The plan must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated every five years. MRPDC planners work with local planning commissions, city and town councils, and boards of supervisors to provide technical advice throughout the comprehensive planning process. The actual decision-making process is left in the hands of the citizens of each jurisdiction through their elected and appointed officials.
Another technical assistance activity of the MRPDC is grant administration. When a community accepts a grant from the state or federal government, it also accepts duties and responsibilities associated with the grant. The MRPDC can provide the necessary management services required to fulfill the requirements of the granting agencies. MRPDC grant administration assistance is available on a contract basis. While the MRPDC can assist in grant management, the actual decisions regarding the grant remain with the elected governing body of the jurisdiction.
Town managers are generally responsible for the effective and efficient daily operation of the local government’s activities and support services while under the general supervision of the Mayor and Council.
Responsibilities can include: (1) preparation of the agenda for Council meetings; (2) Prepares annual budget for all funds, including estimates, recommendations and appropriation ordinances; (3) Supervise and coordinate administrative activities; (4) Provide recommendations to the Council on policies and procedures for the efficient-business like operation of the Town Government;
(5) Consult and cooperate with the Committees of the Council; (6) Make recommendations to the Council for improving the quality and quantity of services to be rendered by the public employees.
The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission is a State Data Center Affiliate and partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in the dissemination of the census. The MRPDC assists the U.S. Census Bureau with special initiatives during the preparations for the decennial census, such as review of census tract boundaries, address listings, etc. As a federal and state affiliate, the MRPDC receives all census products in both hard copy and digital formats.
Contact: Rocky Warren