Mapping and GIS
The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission Mapping and GIS Department:
... stores, creates, and updates various types of maps and digital spatial data for use by local governments, citizens, and community development projects. Through the use of GIS (Geographic Information System) we can produce maps which show a variety of useful information from census tracts to tax parcel data. Click here to learn more about GIS.
In addition, we offer GPS (Global Positioning System) services to local governments. Through the use of satellite coordinate gathering, the information can be used for updating E-911 maps and mapping public utility structures such as water and sewer lines.
Also available are maps indicating floodplain, zoning, land use, and watershed. We are an authorized distributor for U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) full color topographic maps. These maps come in a variety of scales and can show areas covering from 100 miles down to individual counties and cities. Click to download the MRPDC Map Products Brochure.
The MRPDC also carries Hubbard Scientific Raised Relief maps which represent the same features as the USGS maps. These three-dimensional plastic maps are an excellent visual geographic reference to the Mount Rogers region. They are also available with views of national parks, states, regions, the United States, and the World in several sizes and map projections.
For more mapping information you can e-mail us.
Projects and Capabilities
Digitize parcel layer from tax maps and apply attributes such as map id number.
Digitize zoning layers and apply color-coding and cross-hatching for display.
Digitize existing or future land use categories using color-coded points and areas.
Digitize flood plain layers and base flood elevations for display on vector base maps (E911 base maps) or air photos.
Create exhibits illustrating site plans for industrial parks, enterprise zones, transportation enhancement projects.
Collect and display data for comprehensive plans, boundary adjustment areas, extra-territorial targeted study areas.
Perform calculations of area acreage for any of the above.
Locate and display existing and proposed water and sewer lines, fire halls and rescue squads, light and power poles.
Scan existing large-format paper maps to raster image files.
Make blueprints of existing large-format maps on transparent media.
GPS on-the-ground objects or areas and add as new layers to existing base maps.
Apply site plan details onto air photo files or USGS topo files.
Illustrate 3-D details of sites using USGS topo files.